Upcoming Events
Join us at one of these upcoming events:
Alumni events 2024-25
We are planning to run events for Alumni once a term during the 2024-25 academic year. These will take a similar format to a typical FS evening but without the Huddle. One idea would be to get together for a meal before the sessions.
What: These sessions will be stand-alone, but broadly in the same ball park as the four key Tracks of Formation School.
When: Tuesday 26th November 2024 (with Steve McClure), Tuesday 1st April 2025 (with Bettina Collins) and Tuesday 17 June 2025 (with Jonathan Berry)
Who: Formation School Alumni
Where: Doors will open from 6:45pm for the session which will run from 7-9pm with a break mid-session for light refreshments. Please access via the Ogle Road Entrance.
Please email us at formationschool@abovebarchurch.org.uk so we know you're coming or signup via Churchsuite here

Taster Evenings 2025
Are you thinking about applying to join us at Formation School next year?
If so, we'd love to invite you to one of our taster evenings!
Who: Our taster evenings are designed for prospective students ahead of the next academic year starting in September 2025.
When: Tuesday 20th May 2025.
When: In the lounge at Above Bar Church. Doors will open at 6:45 to start at 7pm and we will be done by 8:30pm.
What: A taster session to experience how Formation School works plus a chance to talk through your questions regarding what its all about
Please email us at formationschool@abovebarchurch.org.uk so we know you're coming.